New module programme to discover the professional life and culture in France and get all the tools and know-how to advance your career.

Group classes are available from Level B1, on Tuesdays 6.30pm, either 2h per week over 2 months (€299) or 2h per week over 2 weeks (€99).

With our new HyFlex class format, you can attend the course either in-person or online. It offers you flexibility to choose what suits you best, never miss a class and always be part of the group

– Module 1 : Introduction au monde du travail francophone : Codes
culturels, Entreprises & Institutions (activité, profils, marchés)
Conception d’une Lettre de motivation (2h)
– Module 2 : Savoir se présenter – Faire un Pitch (4h)
– Module 3 : Concevoir un CV à la française & améliorer son profil sur
– Module 4 : Réussir son entretien d’embauche ou une négociation (4h)

All you need to feel confident in a professional French environment!